Making videos as a part of your marketing strategy can be a lot of work and may cost more than you think. However, it is highly beneficial, and more businesses are now using videos as a part of their marketing plan.
If you aren’t sure what approach to take or the concept of using videos for your marketing strategy is completely new to you. Check out our guide below.
1. Tell Your Branding Story
If you are a new business, videos are the perfect way to start building your brand and giving people a reason to pick you over your competition. People buy from brands they know and trust, and building those relationships takes time.
Videos are a great way to show the personality of your brand, explain the services you offer, and get your potential customers to trust you.
2. Be Engaging
If you want to use videos for your social media marketing strategy, you want to make sure people actually want to watch them.
A great way to make sure your videos are engaging is to ask questions. People love to feel like they are a part of the conversation, so creating videos that give them a chance to interact with your business is going to be much more exciting than a boring presentation or product demo.
3. Showcase Your Products and Services
Simply put, people want to know what you are talking about. You can have the most engaging, funny, or interesting video out there, but if it doesn’t talk about the services or products you are selling, it won’t be very beneficial to your brand.
No one wants to watch you prance around in a lab coat and talk about how your medical device can cure cancer. Instead, you should show that medical device in action and what it can do for potential patients or customers.
4. Use Humor and Creativity
Humans have a need to be entertained. It is a big reason why television is still a hugely successful marketing channel. Videos can be the same way.
If you want to get people engaged in your videos, you need to make them fun and entertaining. While you may not be able to hire a comedy writer to write comedy sketches just for your video, you can add a comedic touch with your approach.
5. Make Them Short and Sweet
If you are going to make videos, you want to make sure they are worth watching. You don’t want to bore your viewers with a long-winded monologue or a lengthy sales pitch. The sweet spot for video length is usually 2 minutes or less. If you can get your message across in less than 2 minutes, you will be much more engaging.
6. Make Them Shareable
Someone who views your video won’t just consume the content and move on; they will also want to share it with people they know. Creating videos you want people to share is an excellent way to boost your engagement, increase your views, and grow your business.
Using videos for your marketing strategy isn’t just a trendy thing to do. It gives you a unique opportunity to connect with your customers and potential customers in a way you haven’t been able to before.
For video production services in Springfield, you can hire OpenEye Studios. We specialize in video marketing especially made for social media and online content—understanding your needs is our number one priority. Contact us to get started.